An Angel, So bold and so true, Looked upon high, By many a people. No one has ever seen her, But everyone knows she exists, And the sweetness of her soul, Carries for miles from her solitary position. To have touched so many, With only her words, No touch or feel, And speaking to few. But doubts cloud her paradise, Because some don’t believe, Her Angelic presence isn’t enough, To sway others to her light. And how this troubles the Angel, Taking her away from those, Who believe her, Without even seeing her. Everyone down below, Need the Angel to be happy, To know her smile upon them, And all of who believe know themselves worthy. So, to the Angel I plea, To keep your head up, Your smile beaming, And what you need will come when you need it most.
This is the archive of previous writings of the Opiated Sherpa. It's mostly poetry that dates back to 1997, back when I was a sapling of 16. And then since then... this.